
Landscape 2017

work note

  Subjects of landscape photography have something attractive to shoot. Thinking about how people have felt aesthetic about natural surroundings, it’s no wonder landscape photography has a long history. In general, a landscape photo is comprehended as taking pictures of beautiful scenery so called as calendar pictures.


  What has the power that makes the souls of viewers moved? The distinction of life and matter, or that of subject and object has been dealt within the various criteria. So there can be no fixed objective for the criteria, and there can be no pure subjective ones, either. What we can be sure of, however, is the criteria can have profound influence on the relationship between human beings and natural world. The idea that nature has soul or its own power is likely to be rejected or laughed at especially in this rational modern world.  But can we say that we are so reasonable not to have such a foolish idea? I got to have an idea that before we judge the landscape subjectively or objectively we should understand why we see the world in the such a way at first.

  My representation of nature as landscape photography is to reject the distinction and make a passage based on the reflection. As a result I tried to provide various points of view through the meaningful research for the borderline between the subjective thinking and objective one and how the line has an effect on photographical representation.